Outside of work you can find me on the rugby pitch. These days I'm too scared of breaking anything so it's strictly non-contact tag rugby for me.
I'm also in the midst of building both a genre spanning video game and an award winning movie. Just don't ask me too often when they are coming out...
I've had the pleasure of working across multiple industries including manufacturing, retail, publishing and the energy sector. Check out my portfolio for some recent case studies or download my C.V below.
Sole designer responsible bringing the operations and settlement modules to life.
Working with multiple clients across different industries to determine the best UX.
Developed the in-house UX function and design system from scratch.
Led the management and re-design of the premier in-store colleague app.
Building a video game from the ground up for Brackeys' game jam 2024.
Working as a full time Senior UX/Service designer for Piclo to bring the operations and settlement modules online for our client ENEL.
As part of the VCCP digital UX team, re-designing the online cruise booking flow for Saga holidays.
Overhauling how the whole editorial team runs their news desks day to day.
Re-thinking the newspapers app from the ground up to ensure users kept coming back for fresh and exciting news content.
Helping the online newspaper succeed in their first foray in building a premium subscription service.
Championing and managing a sustainable design system to ensure a more holistic approach to design.
Assessing the newspapers online funnels to set it up for a future of online readers and subscribers.
Updating the in-store colleagues most useful app to ensure they can provide continued stellar customer service.